+++ 01.02.2009: NetContent Enterprise Content Management can retrieve geo-location data from content and display it through Google Maps. See www.hna.de for an example (in German).+++
+++ 01.01.2009: News-Solutions delivers German Press Agency (dpa) news for Typo3 through NetContent. In the following online portals, dpa news items are uploaded through NetContent ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: www.lastauto.de, www.firmenauto.de, www.transaktuell.de, www.lastundkraft.de, www.transporter-magazin.com
+++ 15.12.2008: Upon request. NetContent can automatically create a sitemap in XML format. This can be submitted to Google to improve your sites listing in their search results, especially if it is a bigger Internet presence.+++
+++ 01.12.2008: "Badisches Tagblatt" newspaper enables their advertisement clients to show their paper-based ad enclosures also online. NetContent does this by automatically uploading the PDF file from the advertising company and converting it into a PageFlip website. Furthermore, all e-papers can be displayed as user-friendly PageFlips.+++
+++ 01.12.2008: "RNZ" newspaper re-launches its advertising presence using NetContent.+++
+++ 15.11.2008: NetContent’s shop module has been expanded to include an interface for CAO inventory control system. Consequently, manual cross-checking is a thing of the past. Various filters will match client information with different databases.+++
+++ 01.10.2008: For one of the biggest software manufacturer, NetContent transforms dpa news into specified NewsML format for content syndication.+++
+++ 06.03.2008: News-Solutions presents NetContent on the "Zeitung Online" (=newspapers online) convention at the Dorint Hotel, Potsdam hosted by IFRA and BDZV (German newspaper and publishing lobbies). On 17 and 18 June 2008, innovations and new concepts and strategies in the world of newspapers will take center stage. Our knowledgeable staff will be able to assist you with any questions in the hotel lobby.+++
+++ 04.01.2008: "Kreiszeitung" publishing group’s www.kreiszeitung.de is online. They utilize NetContent to edit and eventually create their online presence. Data is imported directly from their "Dialog" editing software into NetContent ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, which edits it to create their Internet news site.+++
+++ 01.12.2007: "C. Beckers Buchdruckerei" publisher renews their advertising presence for the newspapers "Allgemeine Zeitung Uelzen" (www.az-online.de), "Altmark Zeitung" (www.altmark-zeitung.de), and "Isenhagener Kreisblatt" (www.isenhagener-kreisblatt.de) with NetContent.
+++ 28.09.2007: News-Solutions assists "Badisches Tagblatt" newspaper in renewing and expanding their web presence. Complementing the paper-based version, it will include an e-paper created by NetContent ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM with its latest e-paper module. Among other features, certain PDF pages can be saved locally. We have saved a number of original web pages to give you an idea: their homepage, some of their subsections, the e-paper, and the online classifieds from the special 09/28 edition. The finalized e-paper module directly uses "Funkinform Dialog 3.5" XML output. Through some modification it can be made compatible with other printing systems as well. Contact us!
+++ 01.07.2007: The following publishers make use of NetContent ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM to renew their web presence: "Westfälischer Anzeiger Verlagsgesellschaft" (www.wa-online.de, www.soester-anzeiger.de), "Märkischer Zeitunsgverlag" (www.come-on.de), "Jahn Verlag" (www.medener-zeitung.de)
+++ 19.05.2007: "Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung" newspaper expands their Internet presence with a novel Weblog (www.rnz-blog.de). The newspaper offers its users a platform to post news and pictures that will be shown online quickly. NetContent ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM makes Web 2.0 interactivity a reality.
+++ 01.02.2007: "Hersfelder Zeitung" newspaper has gone online with its rigorous renovation of their online presence making use of the new Web 2.0 features, such as direct posting of comments. NetContent ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is seamlessly linked with their print editing software.
+++ 11.01.2007: Our application "NetContent ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/B2B Online Editorial and Enterprise Content Management System" has participated in the IBM initiative "Linux on POWER (LoP)." It has successfully shown that it is a stand-alone software on certain IBM hardware. For the IBM platforms "System i, System p, System z, JS20 Blades" operating under "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0" NetContent ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is now endorsed as "Ready for IBM Systems with Linux."Check out IBM’s offers.+++
+++ 02.08.2006: A large German globally-operating car manufacturer uses a tailor-made NetContent news system to integrate subscribed newsfeeds into their existing information sharing software. Striking features are the pre-set automatic filters it employs as well as manual review and edit functions.+++
+++ 29.05.2006: Car rental company Hertz offers an extensive news portal for the FIFA Football World Championship 2006 (www.hertz-weltmeister.de). It is created through NetContent.+++
+++ 11.05.2006: "Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung" newspaper re-launches its web presence with NetContent. Apart from the editing process and administration of existing content NetContent’s editing system also provides reliable upload and integration of dpa (German Press Agency) news services.+++
+++ 09.05.2006: XML import interface with Typo3 is now available! In our most recent enhancement we offer our clients a stand-alone solution for newsfeed import into the Typo3 database from a majority of formats (e.g. dpa-nitf, ddp, "Teleschau," or tailor-made XML structures). This module enables you to import XML- or RSS-based newsfeeds quickly for processing in an existing Typo3 system. If you would like to know more, please give us a call at +49 4362 5358.+++
+++ 16.03.2006: "Hessische Allgemeine" newspaper’s online presence has been completely redesigned. This extensive re-launch was made possible with NetContent. Please also refer to the message of 02/04/2005.+++
+++ 06.08.2005: News-Solutions has provided especially developed software for "SportBild Fan Ticker mobil", a sports periodical mobile portal recently advertised by "e*message." Our applications allow for extensive real-time conferencing between simultaneous football matches as well as showing other services from sports, weather, lifestyle, or other sections to be displayed on the go.+++
+++ 04.02.2005: "Dietrichs GmbH & Co KG" publisher, a "Dietrichs Medien-Gruppe" company, uses NetContent in all aspects for the creation of "Hessische Allgemeine" newspaper’s Internet presence (www.HNA.de). Apart from displaying the print content completely online through the integrated Universal XML module, content that was exclusively online is being edited and published through ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Additionally, NetContent integrates automatically imported newsfeeds and further expands their website with an integrated online shopping system as well as with a forum site that enables users to have discussions about individual articles.+++
+++ 14.06.2004: One of the biggest British financial service providers uses NetContent for their extensive website re-launch. Editing of content, editing of HTML templates, and the creation of the website – all steps are made using NetContent.+++
+++ 12.06.2004: Realized channels for "e*message’s" website relating to the UEFA European Football Championship 2004.+++
+++ 04.05.2004: News.de re-launches their entire online presence. Once again, all import feeds, templates, and published content are provided by NetContent.+++
+++ 25.03.2004: Complementing "Badisches Tagblatt" newspaper’s Internet presence, News-Solutions provides an indexing module to mirror the print version’s advertisements online. The XML files from their internal "Dialog" editing system serve as source files as much as the EPS pictures that are automatically converted to JPEGs for browser compatibility. NetContent’s import engine enables you to edit all uploaded content and publish them at your leisure.+++
+++ 03.04.2003: NetContent is integrated to provide dpa (German Press Agency) newsfeed to the "MS Europa" cruise ship (Hapag-Lloyd).
+++ 27.03.2003: For the mobile network carrier "e*Message" (Wireless Information Services) News-Solutions (developer of NetContent) has done the implementation of the "meteorological data" and "stock exchange" -services.+++
+++ 24.03.2003: NetContent now enables you to restrict access to certain sites only for hand-picked users by a click of the mouse. Our software offers support for registration and account administration, which can be easily integrated into your web presence. The integrated cookie function recognizes existing users automatically and they may, as an additional option, also be recognized through the user tracking database.
+++ 17.01.2003: "Badische Tagblatt" newspaper revamps their entire Internet sites with NetContent. Through the innovative XML-sites-indexing import engine and the interface with their existing "Dialog" editing software, the latest news from the editing room can be published online in a matter of seconds. With the extended import function, all advertising can be mirrored from the print version. Regular automatic updates of newsfeeds complement this NetContent-generated website. Please also refer to the following message.
+++ 22.10.2002: The german newspaper Fuldaer Zeitung is using NetContent for daily editorial work. Newsfeeds will be converted for website publishing, too. +++
+++ 26.09.2002: NetContent provides some new special features: With our new software-tags you can easy create and add formular fields to your document. Also another tag-section gives you the freedom in creating dynamic pictures/graphics (gif- or jpeg-files).+++
+++ 05.09.2002: NetContent provides an enhanced data privacy support. Each user of the cms can have individual properties. You can choose which directories on your server are open for others. +++
+++ 23.08.2002: NetContent generates file-formats to export to Quark XPress. Our client is 4media Verlag GmbH www.hotelpress.de. +++
+++ 16.08.2002: PDF- and office-dokuments (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint), also HTML and plain text-files are now supported by NetContent. You can import these files to the editorial system and search within these documents with the integrated search engine. +++
+++ 26.07.2002: 'Associated press' integrated. +++
+++ 19.07.2002: 'Antenne MV' integrates NetContent to the website http://www.antenne-mv.de. +++
+++ 03.06.2002: The german online-newspaper 'Nordaktuell' is online www.nordaktuell.de.+++
+++ 30.05.2002: World Cup- Newsspecial for the 'Financial Times (Germany)' www.ftd.de
integrated .+++
+++ 10.05.2002: The 'DVGW' is online www.dvgw.de.+++
+++ 06.05.2002: The german newspaper 'Abendzeitung'www.abendzeitung.de
is online .+++
+++ 28.04.2002: REWE Travel New Media is using NetContent for investigation within newsfeeds www.rtnewmedia.de.+++
+++ 17.04.2002: NetContent is integrated to the dpa
(German Press Agency) shop-portal at www.shop.dpa.com.+++
+++ 16.03.2002: New module for Press Association-Newsfeed
+++ 10.03.2002: With NEWS-SOLUTIONS you can now send
the articles via SMS. This new feature was created in
collaboration with www.emessage.de.+++
+++ 25.02.2002: Module for converting the Newsknowledge-feeds
+++ 18.02.2002: The 'Bonner General-Anzeiger' (one of
the biggest german newspapers) integrates NetContent
for news-output in already existing website www.general-anzeiger-bonn.de.+++
+++ 11.02.2002: 'Samsung Electronics Deutschland' creates
an olympia-special
-website with NetContent.+++
+++ 01.02.2002: NetContent now contains a module
for integration of the new NITF 3.0 newsfile- format.+++
+++ 14.01.2002: 'E-Trade' www.etrade.de
+++ 09.01.2002: The 'German Football Federation' (DFB)www.dfb.de
is using NetContent for investigation within
+++ 22.11.2001: ... the easy way to handle news! - With
our Enterprise Content Management System (ECM) you can also edit or create
news directly from your webbrowser! Just surf to the
website you want to handle, click on the according element,
and review your changes instantly. Your website is now
updated! All new functions are easy-to-use (like all
other tools we integrated in NetContent) and
will give you fast results. +++
+++ 13.11.2001: www.news.de
gets online (complete news-integration with NetContent)!
Look at the many various possibilities in getting an
eye-catching layout. As you will see, you can integrate
every news category the way you want to.+++
+++ 07.11.2001: Coming soon online with NetContent:
+++ 31.10.2001: News-integration 'Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken'
+++ 29.10.2001: Sportnews from winter sports resorts
presented by 'SCHNEEMENSCHEN KG' www.wintersport-news.de
+++ 15.10.2001: 'T-mart' www.t-mart.com
online. +++
+++ 22.7.2001: 'Frankfurter Rundschau' www.f-r.de
online with NetContent.+++
+++ 22.7.2001: 'Die Glocke' www.die-glocke.de
online +++
+++ 10.7.2001: www.han-online.de
online +++
+++ 9.7.2001: NetContent now becomes a complete
Enterprise Content Management System (ECM) with media-database, user
administration, OnlineEditor, enhanced search options,
photo administration, many import and export-features
for your news. Also you can create a special editorial
category, in which you can create and edit your own
+++ 5.7.2001: Successfully development of an integration-modul
behalf of Dierichs Mediengruppe www.dierichs.de
+++ 1.7.2001: Development of a data-recall facility-system
according to 'Messe Frankfurt'. +++
+++ 20.6.2001: 'dpa-infocom' and NetContent are
developing a new, enhanced agreement. It contains the
cooperation with a new dpa-product, called 'dpa-easyclick'.
This new product sells and recommends NetContent
in connection with nitf-newsfiles. +++
+++ 13.6.2001: NetContent and Ticcon AG www.ticcon.de
are making an cooperation - and distribution-agreement.
+++ 18.5.2001: www.conexio.de
+++ 15.5.2001: ONE module for EVERY news-file now available.
+++ 13.3.2001: More modules for tanto, newsml and asvim-
newsformats now available. +++
+++ 10.3.2001: www.snapcity.de
online with NetContent. +++
+++ 10.1.2001: 'Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung' www.rnz.de
online with NetContent. +++