Expand your publishing product range and make good use of electronic way to share information!NetContent offers a fully automatic e-paper module. Turning the e-paper’s page will feel just like it did with the old paper version. Articles and advertisements can be selected individually to be displayed in a new browser window. Full text string search is possible since all content is separately archived.
One of NetContent’s unique characteristics is integrating web 2.0 functions into the e-paper. Appraisals, comments, and voting of e-paper articles make it one of a kind.
See for yourself at www.badisches-taglblatt.de or epaper.pdf.
Are you offering some region-specific newspapers? But some content is shared in all of them, a feature that you seek to retain in your online presence?
NetContent can do all of this within a single portal.
With one of our compatible editing systems you can offer an e-paper in no time.
We have extensive experience in creating these kinds of interfaces. We will be able to design one catering to your needs, e.g. for Alfa printing systems, MAN Printnet, or other printing applications – just let us know!